Cedric Chin

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Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

Enthusiasm Half-Life

Over the long term, enthusiasm for most projects fade with time. Here's one useful way to think about it.

The Parable of the Promotion Ladder and the Market — Action Sheet

Action sheet for 'The Parable of the Promotion Ladder and the Market'.

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Use The Metagame To Get Good Action Sheet

Action sheet for how to use the metagame to get good.

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Seek Failures Early Action Sheet

Action sheet for seeking failures early.

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The Games People Play With Cash Flow

One way that first principles thinking fails is when you build your analysis up from a deficient set of base principles. Everything is correct and true, but you still end up mistaken. Here's how that looks like in practice.

Competitive Arbitrage

If you want to understand career moats, understand competitive arbitrage. It is the background and justification for the pursuit of a moat.

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How First Principles Thinking Fails

Thinking is split roughly into pattern matching against experience, and reasoning from first principles. Here's one argument for why you need both.

Every Actionable Book is Actually Two Books Inside — Action Sheet

Actionable summary for reading for principles, from 'Every Actionable Book is Actually Two Books Inside'.

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An Update on ‘Consume What You Can Do’

If you can only put two ideas to practice a week, then you're inevitably going to have to deal with a bottleneck of 'to-experiment' ideas.

Get Numb Before You Get Good Action Sheet

Actionable summary for getting numb before you get good.

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