Cedric Chin

All posts by

Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

Action Produces Information Action Sheet

Action sheet for 'Action Produces Information'. Contains guidelines for when to act vs when to spend more time in decision analysis.

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Head Fake Questions Action Sheet

Action sheet for creating good head fake questions.

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Seek Ideas At The Right Level of Abstraction

A thinking trap for those of us who are analytical.

A Fourth Career Moat Pattern

Skills that don't normally appear in a single person are likely to be rare. Unfortunately, they might also be impossible to acquire.

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Neuroplasticity is a Pretty Useless Idea for Practice

Neuroplasticity is an oft-quoted scientific idea, used to explain skill acquisition. But it's not actually that useful to the practitioner. Here's why.

Knowing The Dip Exists is a Heck of an Advantage

The best ideas from Seth Godin's The Dip — which is really about why quitting early and often is so important to success.

Personal Experiments Action Sheet

Action sheet for doing personal experiments.

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How I Do Personal Experiments

How to take ideas from books and blog posts and turn them into effective personal experiments.

Announcing the Commonplace Membership Program

Introducing a new membership program for the Commonplace blog. What's in the offering, how much we're charging, and why.

Using Inversion (Action Sheet)

An action sheet for the Commonplace blog post 'Using Inversion'.