Cedric Chin

All posts by

Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

Career Moats 101

A summary of everything I know on the topic of building career moats.

Reducing Commonplace's Posting Frequency

Commonplace is shifting to a 'at least once a week' posting schedule, instead of twice weekly. Here's why.

The Tension Between Optimising Outcomes vs Minimising Regret

Regret minimisation is often in direct conflict with optimising for career outcomes. A short reflection.

The Mental Model Fallacy

The mental model fallacy is that it’s worth it to read descriptions of mental models, written and aggregated by non-practitioners, in the pursuit of self-improvement and success. It isn't.

You Can't Teach What They Aren't Ready to Know

If Seymour Papert was right about how humans learn — what does it mean for learning mental models for our careers?

Teaching Tech Together

Greg Wilson's Teaching Tech Together is ostensibly about teaching computer programming, but contains a wonderfully written section on how humans learn.

What I've Learned From Applying Amy Hoy's Just F*cking Ship

I tried applying the techniques from Amy Hoy's Just F*cking Ship to an overdue project. Here's what I learnt.

A Review of BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits

Stanford professor BJ Fogg's course on habit design is practical, free, and a marvel of psych-driven education design. My recommendation: try it for yourself and see.

The Power of Habit

Charles Duhigg's book on habits introduces valuable ideas from academic literature, but is ultimately not very useful to the practitioner.

A Self Help Audit (May—Oct 2018)

An audit of all the self help techniques I've written about in the past six months — and how they've fared as I applied them to my life.