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Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.
Your two biggest barriers to achieving your goals: lying to yourself and blind-spots. The cure? Being 'radically open-minded'.
In a nutshell: update your mental models and stay open-minded. The latter being less obvious than the former.
Successful practitioners use 'optimise for usefulness' over 'optimise for truth'. Unintended side effect: this means it's ok to believe in religion, so long as it doesn't harm you.
Ray Dalio's has a 5 step process that reads slightly self-helpy, but like the rest of Principles, was written for the rational man in mind.
Derek Sivers has this wonderful idea called “Over-Compensate to Compensate”. I try applying it software development.
A non-comprehensive summary of the first section of Ray Dalio's Life Principles, which concerns itself with ‘dealing with reality’.
A how-to manual for being effective by Ray Dalio, founder of the most successful hedge fund in the world.
What authority does this author have for writing about career moats? An honest answer, and an accounting of weaknesses.
In which we apply Andy Grove's Strategic Inflection Point analysis to cryptocurrency.
Some jobs are getting pushed out of cities. Others aren't. What this means for careers.