Announcing the Commonplace Mailing List

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    So I delayed posting this because I was busy working on my last post on Optimising For Usefulness, which was quite difficult to write. (Who knew distilling three years worth of thinking into a single post was so difficult? Or that writing it took a back seat to my solopreneur-by-day life?)

    But I digress.

    I’d like to announce that Commonplace’s mailing list is actually functional now — and I’m happy to say that I’ve finally figured out what I wanted to do with it. I’m sending out an email every Friday alerting subscribers to the two posts I’ve published for the week; I intend to include background notes and behind-the-scenes thinking for the posts. If you’re already subscribed to the blog through conventional means — which is most likely RSS or Twitter at this point — then you might still want to subscribe for those notes.

    I’ll also share one to two links in the newsletter, never more than a handful each week, contingent on my finding things related to career moats that I feel are worth your time.

    As a final sweetener, all new subscribers get a beautifully formatted ebook copy of The Principles Sequence — created for your offline reading pleasure.

    Alright, that’s all for this announcement, folks! Back to regularly scheduled programming tomorrow. I’m going to be summarising a number of books again, and then start on a new series (on Nicholas Nassim Taleb, who badly needs an editor) once I’m ready for it.

    Originally published , last updated .

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