An Increase in Membership Prices

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    I'll be increasing membership prices from $150 a year to $250 a year on the 1st of August, about a month from now. This rounds to about $20 a month.

    • Old members will not be affected: you'll continue to pay whatever you were paying before.
    • If you'd like to buy a membership at the old price, you should sign up before 1st August 2023!

    Commoncog is doubling down on the two topics that has been its mainstay for the past eight months or so: a) business expertise, and b) methods to accelerate the acquisition of that expertise.

    I'm increasing the prices to reflect the value of these two topics. From interviews I've conducted over the past year, I know this publication is most valued by consultants, (certain types of!) investors, and executives. If I do things right, Commoncog should be able to help you accomplish more in your businesses and in your lives.

    Increasing Commoncog's prices will select for people who are serious about getting good at business, whilst giving me more resources to invest in projects to accomplish just that.

    I hope to talk about some of these projects in a bit.

    Thank you for reading, and if you're a member: thank you for subscribing!

    Originally published , last updated .

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