Power in Business

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Table of Contents

A short series on power in business contexts, originally published to prepare readers for a series on Asian tycoons and Asian conglomerates. We cover:

  • What is power?
  • What is the skill of power exactly and how do you get better at it?
  • What are some properties of power?
  • How do you build power, use power, and detect who has power so you can protect yourself against them?

This series should be read alongside the ‘power’ case sequence in the Commoncog Case Library.

The Parts

  1. What is Power? (members only) — A simple definition of power, and a look at a number of cases to demonstrate power in action in business.
  2. How to Use Power (members only) — What is the skill of power, really, and how do you get better at it? We walk through a case about Y Combinator’s use of power to discuss how power is built, used, and traded.
  3. Power and Asian Business (members only) — Why it is necessary to talk about power when we examine business in an Asian context.

Originally published , last updated .