Announcing the Commoncog Case Library Public Beta

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    I’m pleased to announce the public beta of the Commoncog Case Library.

    The case library went live last night; subscribers and members who signed up for it have already received the first email in the series.

    What is the case library? What does it solve?

    I’m going to use a little trick, and quote from the internal PR/FAQ that we wrote in preparation for this beta:

    Expertise in business requires some understanding of how frameworks and concepts instantiate in the real world. Typically, competent operators expand their understanding of such concepts through lived experience, or by reading case studies, books, news articles and other information sources. However, searching for such concept instantiations across the entire universe of content is daunting. Many operators do not have the time necessary to consume such source material, given the demanding nature of their working lives.

    The Commoncog Case Library solves this problem by curating a sufficiently large selection of cases for each business concept. Each case is concise: no more than 2000 words for most cases. The cases are written to a high standard of quality and a high degree of nuance. Each case will come with a full complement of sources, which readers may use to dive deep if they so wish.

    For this beta test, readers will be offered access to a series of seven cases built around one concept: ‘The Idea Maze’. Readers will get a short introduction to Cognitive Flexibility Theory (CFT) — the underlying cognitive science theory that underpins the Commonocg Case Library — and receive all seven cases via email. They will get to choose between two different types of email frequencies: once a day or three times a week. Alternatively, they may opt to read all seven cases on the Commoncog website, at their own pace.

    Each case in the beta will come with a separate forum thread attached. Members will be able to comment on each case, while non-members will be allowed to read comments.

    When the email series is complete, readers will receive a final essay that summarises the similarities and differences of the seven cases, per CFT methods. Participants will then be asked to fill out a short, 60-second survey that queries them about their experiences with the Beta Test.

    If you’re interested in getting the full case library experience, I'd recommend entering your name and email here. You’ll get an email with instructions on how to proceed shortly after.

    See you on the other side!

    Originally published , last updated .

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