Cedric Chin

All posts by

Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

The Mental Model FAQ

A summary of the conclusions from my Putting Mental Models to Practice series. What are mental models? How did mental models become so popular?

Don't Beat Yourself Up Over Self-Directed Work

The most important lesson I learnt from writing and launching a book in 2019, applicable to all those who've decided to take on self-directed work in their lives.

Munger's Two Track Analysis

A practical exploration of Charlie Munger's ‘two-track analysis’ of human behaviour, applied to three scenarios you'll face at work.

(Book Excerpt) Compensation: How does money affect retention?

How does compensation affect the decision to quit a job? An excerpt from my upcoming book Keep Your People: The Startup Manager's Guide to Employee Retention.

Chinese Businessmen: Cash Flow Is King

What free cash flow has to do with growth, and why Chinese businessmen in the South East Asian diaspora obsessed over it.

Beware What Sounds Insightful

Why the Internet has driven writing to sound ever more insightful, how writers accomplish this, and what to do about it.

The Land and Expand Strategy for Reading

A reading technique that's ridiculously simple, and surprisingly effective when used in service of reading for career goals.

Contra ‘Passion is Overrated’

Three nuanced takes by three believable people, all of whom argue that ‘follow your passion’ isn't as rubbish as Cal Newport suggests.

The Consulting Business Model

David Maister's Managing the Professional Service Firm reveals some very fundamental principles about the business of consulting.

A Personal History of the Career Moat

My obsession with building career moats stems from my family's experience with the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Some reflections on job security, then and now.