Cedric Chin

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Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

Chinese Businessmen: Superstition Doesn't Count

If rationality is so important to success in business and in life, how is it possible for an entire generation of superstitious Chinese businessmen to succeed?

All Marketers Are Liars

Seth Godin's 2005 book is about the practice of marketing in a world of noise. Most of these ideas are now conventional wisdom.

Chinese Businessmen: Let Reality Be The Teacher

Education robs us of the ability to do trial and error. And yet trial and error is how a generation of traditional Chinese businessmen learnt their craft.

Radical Candor

Kim Scott's 2017 book is a how-to guide for the people-side of management. Read as a follow-up to Andy Grove's High Output Management.

The Chinese Businessman Paradox

The Chinese Businessmen Paradox: what is it that makes uneducated, superstitious Chinese businessmen successful?

Surprising Implications of Treating Self-Help as Art

Six surprising implications from treating self-help as technê.

Deep Work

Cal Newport's 2016 book Deep Work is a guide to doing valuable work in a world of digital distraction.

How to Read Self Help

Reading self help is but a form of taking advice. Most of it is bullshit. But here's how to do it.

If You Want a Great Career, Go After Rare & Valuable Skills

Cal Newport argues that great careers come from building rare & valuable skills. But what does 'rare & valuable’ actually mean?

So Good They Can't Ignore You

Following your passion is the worst career advice you can get. Cal Newport argues for a more effective alternative.