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Six surprising implications from treating self-help as technê.
Cal Newport's 2016 book Deep Work is a guide to doing valuable work in a world of digital distraction.
Reading self help is but a form of taking advice. Most of it is bullshit. But here's how to do it.
Cal Newport argues that great careers come from building rare & valuable skills. But what does 'rare & valuable’ actually mean?
Following your passion is the worst career advice you can get. Cal Newport argues for a more effective alternative.
Writers seem smarter than they are because the act of writing is the act of thinking clearly. This doesn't make them geniuses.
A technique to prevent burnout from my old bosses in Silicon Valley. And then some moral philosophising.
We explore what happens when an academic reviews a practitioner's book.
The Commonplace Mailing List — every Friday, with a smattering of links related to building career moats.
Optimising for usefulness is my current stab at a core principle that underpins the effective life. A first draft of a life philosophy.