Cedric Chin

All posts by

Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

Business Expertise: Using the Triad as a North Star

Some implications of using the triad mental model of business as a North Star for learning. Part of a series on business expertise.

John Cutler’s Product Org Expertise

A few weeks ago, I helped Amplitude head of product education John Cutler extract tacit expertise around diagnosing and improving product organisations. Here's how that went.

Business Expertise: The Importance of Cognitive Agility

Cognitive agility is the speed with which an individual is able to update their mental models in response to new information. This is what the study of cognitive agility tells us about how we learn — and fail to learn — in business and in life.

An Extracted Tacit Mental Model of Business Expertise

All great business people share a common, intuitive mental model of business. We look at how researcher Lia DiBello extracted that mental model.

Exec Development is a Different Game

When should you train, and when you should throw them into the deep end of the pool?

This is What Product Taste Looks Like

Why good product people talk about iteration, taste, and Christopher Alexander, while novices obsess over the trappings of frameworks.

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Product Validation Frameworks are Mostly Useless Without Taste

Product validation frameworks often describe processes without talking about taste. Here's why this is almost always a bad idea.

An MBA for Business Operators

A look at two syllabuses for learning the art of business, why they're rare, and why to take notice when a practitioner mentions one.

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7 Powers in Practice

What the best book on business strategy actually looks like in practice. Also: why it's important to read business narratives to learn more.

7 Powers

7 Powers is arguably the best book on business strategy currently available today.

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