Cedric Chin

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Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

The ultimate guide to reading a book a week for your career

Everything that's helped me read a book a week, even with a full-time job.

Only the Paranoid Survive

Strategic inflection points can kill businesses and careers. How do you identify them and prepare your careers in reaction to them?

Average is Over

Machine intelligence and globalisation means some of us will be big winners and others, big losers in the economy of the future.

Reading as the root of career planning

As you might’ve already guessed, my approach to thinking about career planning is to…

The three kinds of non-fiction books

There are 3 kinds of non-fiction book: 💁‍♀️ narrative, 🌳 tree, and 🌿 branch. Not every non-fiction book is worth reading, and not every book should be read the same way. These categories explain why.