Cedric Chin

All posts by

Cedric Chin

Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.

The Best Incentives Are Hard To Copy

If your incentive set leads to differentiated behaviour, why don't more competitors copy it? Because it's hard to copy, that's why. Here are two reasons how.

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Pay Attention to Deviations from Mainstream Incentives

The second part of a three part piece on incentives. It turns out that if you've grokked the primary incentives of an industry, you can do one other thing: identify aberrations, and use that as a guide to dig further.

Lousy Incentives In The Restaurant Business

What an understanding of incentives can do for you, through the lens of one industry that we're all familiar with.

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Ability to See Expertise is a Milestone Worth Aiming For

Good news: we have a neat, universal milestone on the journey to mastery. What that looks like, and how to use it.

Operating On The Spectrum Of The Rule of Law

In countries with weak institutions, how things should work is often different from how things actually work. A reminder of what that feels like at the ground level.

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Be Good To Your Mentors

Mentor relationships can be absolutely wonderful over the arc of a career. This is a simple way to think about finding and keeping good mentors.

How To Hunt For Useful Self Improvement Research

How to hunt for useful expertise research, emotional regulation work, or better learning techniques, straight from the primary literature.

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Ill-Structured Domains Aren't Necessarily Wicked

Cognitive Flexibility Theory: the caveats. Also: a look at kind vs wicked learning domains, and what this tells us about building expertise in messy, real world domains.

The Principles are Useless On Their Own

What happens if cases are more important than principles in your domain? Some non-obvious implications.

How Note Taking Can Help You Become an Expert

What Cognitive Flexibility Theory tells us about the acceleration of expertise in ill-structured domains.