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Word slinger, bug fixer, and operator.
The soup-to-nuts guide to building a career moat. We start from understanding your job market, executing a skills audit, all the way to building and then maintaining a moat.
What Amazon's Working Backwards process tells us about product development methodologies at large.
Why it's probably a good idea to keep a list of questions in your head. Also how I find topics to write about.
Why a loose feedback loop is just another way of saying 'better, more rigorous trial and error'.
Can networking act as a career moat? The answer is more nuanced than you might think.
Respecting the base rate means figuring out what the odds of an outcome is, and assuming that it applies to you. Here's what that looks like when used as a thinking technique.
Wicked domains include stock picking, psychiatry, and intelligence analysis. What do skills in such domains really look like? We take a look at one example.
Career moats consist of rare and valuable skills. But there are other things that are rare and valuable in a career. Here are a few examples.
Why thinking long term can lead to a competitive advantage, and what that looks like in business and in careers.
You know how creative people always seem to have some set of illogical rituals around their work? Well, I gave it a shot for a month. Here's how that went.