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Eric Nehrlich on the Art of Executive Coaching and Forecasting

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Table of Contents

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    Cedric talks to Eric Nehrlich about driving down the error rate for Google's revenue forecasting from 10-20% down to 0.5%, his approach to executive coaching, and how to come up with small experiments for personal growth.

    Eric Nehrlich is an executive coach, and was formerly the chief of staff on the Google Search Ads team. Before becoming chief of staff, Eric was part of the team that got Google's revenue forecasting down from an error rate of 10-20% to an error rate of around 0.5%. We open up with some wild stories of Google's early attempts at revenue forecasting, and then dig into how that forecasting success happened. Along the way, Eric explains how he, his boss, and his team developed a fingertip feel for variation in data.

    We then switch gears to talk about Eric's coaching practice. We discuss the differences between mentorship and coaching, and talk about the tricky art of helping leaders grow their impact. Eric has a wealth of knowledge on coming up with small experiments in order to make personal growth easier. He’s seen a lot of executive growth challenges. We talk about how he comes up with those experiments, and what some of those experiments look like in practice.

    Finally, we close with a chat about Eric's upcoming book.


    A full transcript is available here: Transcript of Eric Nehrlich on the Art of Executive Coaching and Forecasting.




    - Eric's Executive Coaching practice:
    - Eric's upcoming book is named You Have a Choice, and you may sign up for updates here:
    - Eric's LinkedIn (where he posts insights every week):
    - Eric's blog:
    - Eric's newsletter: (which I highly recommend)
    - Full list of coaching and leadership development resources that Eric recommends:
    - Surely You’re Joking Mr Feynman!:
    - Becoming Data Driven in Business Series:
    - Be Good To Your Mentors:
    - Eric Nehrlich — Commitment, Competence, Structure:
    - James Clear — Atomic Habits (on Structure):
    - Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey — Immunity to Change:
    - Eric Nehrlich's post on Immunity to Change
    - Claire Hughes Johnson — Scaling People:
    - Eric's thoughts on Scaling People:
    - Dan Martell — Buy Back Your Time:
    - Terrence Real — Us Getting Past You and Me:
    - Eric's post on Us Getting Past You and Me:


    00:00:00 Introduction
    00:01:21 Eric's Background
    00:09:00 Google Revenue Forecasting Stories
    00:13:16 Driving the Forecasting Error Rate Down
    00:18:00 Developing an Intuition for Variation
    00:29:45 What a Forecasting Novice Would Get Wrong
    00:36:46 What Does an Executive Coach Do?
    00:45:34 The Difference Between Mentorship and Coaching
    00:53:42 Changing Behaviour: Will, Skill, Structure
    01:02:14 Changing When Your Identity Holds You Back
    01:05:50 Coming Up With Small Experiments to Change
    01:08:48 Getting Organisational Identities to Change
    01:11:55 More Examples of Change Experiments
    01:15:25 Books Eric Recommends for Experiments
    01:20:25 Finding Eric Online
    01:21:10 Eric's Book

    Originally published , last updated .

    This article is part of the Expertise Acceleration topic cluster. Read more from this topic here→

    This article is part of the Operations topic cluster, which belongs to the Business Expertise Triad. Read more from this topic here→

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